Friday, March 25, 2016

Poem - The Cemetary

Each day seems to get darker and darker
I feel my body getting weaker
There is no light at the end of the tunnel
Nothing will ever get better
There's no point anymore

Today I went for a walk
The air was fresh and the sun was shining
But there was still pain in my head
Our daughter was walking with me
We walked through the cemetery to the park

I remembered seeing you under that tree
Years ago where we would sit
Or the area where we first made love
It was all there
The memories are still there but you're gone

Sometimes I wish you were here with me
I'll always love you
You meant the world to me then
But you couldn't stop hurting me
I wish you had changed for me
But instead you betrayed me in every single way possible

I keep seeing you in my dreams
They seem so real
I'll wake up hearing your voice in my head
Why couldn't you change?
I thought I was your soulmate
Why wasn't I enough for you?

Maybe one day we will meet again
And we would be okay together

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